Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2015

I'm in love...with a fairytale ♥ (English)

I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
Cause I don't care if I lose my mind,
I'm already cursed
(Alexander Rybak - Fairytale)

God Kveld!
Today was the day of the days! The day that I was waiting for so damn Long! More than five years ago won a (good looking ;-) ) young man from Norway the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 in Moscow. with a record of 387 points.
I wouldn't have seen it, if my mother hadn't called me into the living room.
"There is a musician, that you will maybe like!", she said. I liked the song before I saw at the TV ! and in this Moment I became a fan of Alexander Rybak!
Okay, not a "Fan-Fan", that knows every single song, went on thousand concerts, comment everything that he Posts on Facebook...
I liked the song "Fairytale" and his two CDs - but I didn't listen to them every single day- 24/7!
It's great Music, also his other Songs that are not on the CDs. Like "5 to 7 years" or "Leave me Alone!" .
Of course I wanted to go on a concert of him! I saw some Videos of his concerts and recodnized that his voice is "live" maybe as good as on the records.
But he were just  two times in Germany - both during the week and in south Germany - at least four hours away from my hometown. There were no Chance to see him.
Until I came to Norway.
It was again my mothers "fault" that I'm now sitting here with the biggest smile on the hole wide world and always look at the photos from this evening!
When I came to Norway, I knew that Alexander Rybak would go on a Christmas Concerts Tour. But I didn't hope to go to a concert.
Until my mother wrote me two concerts that are close to the place where I live.
In Sandefjord and one on the same day but later  in Tønsberg.
I thought about it... It was on a saturday  (today, the 19.12.15!!!) - I have free on this day and the tickets were not sooo expensive - if you remember that this is maybe the only time, I'll see him!
I asked in the village if other People want to come with me to the concert. We were 13 People, had two cars - just needed to buy the tickets. . .
When we wanted to buy them stood on the page "Utsalg" - "sold out" . . .Shit!
How could I ever see him on a concert now ? I was very sad ! And even if that was the day when my mother came for some days to visit me. I was sad. I wanted to go on this concert!
I didn't wanted to give up! I asked the oranisators if there would be some where some tickets left for our Group. I didn't expected a reply - but they wrote.
They wrote that there would be a few tickets left and I would have to hurry to get one.
I looked at the page and saw that it weren't enough for our Group.
But I wanted to go! So I bought a ticket! And printed it with a very big smile!

This is what I long for more in life
that's what you bring
Passion, full compassion. Y
ou're the one who takes me in
I'm jumping around
Diving in
Coming around
Closer, so much closer
to the place I'm longing for
Heated, no more coldness
Sun is shining, there is more
I'm jumping around
Diving in
Coming around

I had the ticket. I had free on this day. Everthing was perfect. Even if I was a Little bit sad that my "concert-group" from my village weren't able to come with me, so that I had to go alone.
I found someone who wanted to drive me to Sandefjord. I got Alexander Rybaks new book on Nicolaus-day - I wanted an autograph on it.
And I drew a little Comic about his troll "Trolle" and my troll "Bjørn". Because it were almost the same time when I drew my troll the first time and thought about the Story that I wanted to write about him , when Alexander Rybak wrote on Facebook, that he's working on a book - about a troll with a Magic fiolin (You should read the book, it's really good! )

But I didn't wanted to give him "just" that picture. As I already wrote - it was maybe the only time ever, that I could see him!
The idea for the second present came during the visit of my mother here.
We talked about knitting because I learned it here in the village and I really like it. No, it's not only for old Ladys! ;-)
So, why shouldn't I knit him a scarf? I got some nice wool from my mother that she bought in Germany and with her idea for a knitting pattern, I began.

Even if I started on Nicolausday - it tok me until today until I finished the scarf!
I knittet different Patterns and it became very Long until it finally fit around the neck and looked nice.

In the end I decided to make a Loop scarf - I sew the ends together and were so happy that it was finally finished! Two hours before I would drive to the concert! I worked the last two days since thursday evening very hard on this scarf to finish it. In the end it was around 1,50 meters. Yesterday night at 1,17 cm and knitted today a lot more. But forgot to measure it... But it should be at least 1,40 m !

Scarf into the bag, ticket too and the Comic. Jumping into my favorite knitting Dress - with norwegian pattern, a little bit make up, braid  the hair - I was ready for the concert!

Stille natt, hellige natt
Alt har søvn og mørke tatt
Trofast våker de hellige to,
varsomt vugger de barnet til ro
Jorden tar himlen i favn
Jorden tar himlen i favn

Everything worked! We drove to Sandefjord and were right in time. I was afraid of being to late, because the doors would be opened at 16.30. But we came to  the Sandar Kirke (Church) at 16.10. So it were enough time - but there were also a lot of People in front of the church. So I had to cancel my plan of buying something to eat, because I was hungry. I went to the other People and waited in the line until the doors opened..

It was very full in the church! I had to cancel my second plan - get a seat right on the floor, where they maybe pass by.
I sat in the middle and of course there sat People before me , that were higher that I! Like always.

It became 5 pm, the church bells rang and in the Moment they stopped, begann the Music and the five singer came on the stage.
On the concert were not only Alexander Rybak. Of course!
On the "Stille Natt Hellige Natt"- tour concerts are also four other good known singer from Norway. Maria Haukaas Mittet, Marian Aas Hansen, Tor Endresen and Rune Larsen.
They had all amazing voices, but my eyes were fixed on the young man with the fiddle!
Everyone had two/three Songs where the others were singing in the Background. There were also a Christmas song Medley!

It was very funny, because one of the singers ( I Thing it was Tor Endresen) Always wanted he tthat the Group sang "Rudolph the red nosed reindeer" in the Medley. He tried to sing it but then the others interruped him.

My favorite Songs of the concert were of course the Songs of Alexander Rybak. But also "Don't give up" - a wonderful Version of Marian Aas Hansen and - I think it was also Tor Endresen!

And "Maria var ei møy så rein" (Dear Mary journeys through the thorn). I really love  this song! Also in German! But now more in norwegian!

I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
Cause I don't care if I lose my mind,
I'm already cursed

Would he has time for giving autographs and making Pictures ? I saw just a few other young People in the crowd. Maybe the singer would just end the concert and drive to Tønsberg for the next concert?
On my way out of the church,  I passed the table where they saled his book and the CD of the Stille Natt , Hellige Natt Tour. I asked one of the men who stand there, if Alexander would give autographs.
They said he would!

So I stood there and waited andafter a few minutes ... came Alexander Rybak to the table and gave autographes. Before me where just three Kids. But finally my turn!
The first Thing he said were, that I would have really nice earrings ( snowflakes). Hihi :)

I asked him for a autograph for my book.

And gave him my troll-Comic with the words : "One of your Colleges said on the stage that you'd have the book and cd as a Kind of present - so I have two presents for you!"
And after he read the Comic he had to close his eyes and i put the scarf in his Hands.
He was really suprised and happy!

Then  I asked him for a picture. We made one with his new scarf ( I hope he'll post photo with it on Facebook that Shows that he wear the scarf - hopefully!) and without!
I really  love this Pictures and I still start to smile when I see them!

I finally got a Chance to see Alexander Rybak live!
It was so amazing and I got a looong hug for the scarf! (and another before when I gave him the Comic! ;) )
Even if I'm sure that I will not have a Chance to see him again, or that he remembers me, I'm so damn happy - I don't have words for it! Even not in German!
And maybe I should add, that I spoke the whole evening just norwegian! With the other People when I talked with my sitneighbours and of course with Alexander Rybak !
And both said my norwegian would be very good!

The picture with my scarf! :) I'm so proud that he liked it!

Maybe I can someday go again to a concert of him! I hope it! But until that, I'll safe this day in my heart! It was a perfect day!

Thank you for reading this Long post. The post in German will be postet tomorrow evening.
I hope you liked the post and leave a comment (it's not sooo difficult! ;-) )

Here are the two Songs whose lyrics I used for the post.

Alexander Rybak - Fairytale

Stille Natt Hellige Natt (from the stille natt hellige natt tour 2013)

Mange hilsen og vi ses,

~ Famechen ~


2 Kommentare:

  1. Ein toller Bericht, man hat das Gefühl, man war mit Dir dabei. Schön, das Dein Traum wahr geworden ist.
    - Gabi -

  2. Es freut mich sehr, dass es endlich geklappt hat. Und jetzt hast du sogar ein Foto. :-)

